Testimonials for Nature’s Apprentice Programs


Vision Quest

“A vision quest is an absolutely priceless experience for any person wanting to explore and grow more deeply into themself and their experience of life. Claire holds a powerful and safe space to access deep experiences and transformations within yourself. I had such a meaningful and important experience and would highly recommend a vision quest for any person who can hear the whisper of mystery within.”

— Sam, 2022


“If you are ready to embody this one precious life. To find something beyond meaning and purpose and questions of 'who am I' and 'why am I here'. If you feel deeply called in these exhausting and chaotic times to drop the search, be alive to your calling and connect with nature, you are ready for your vision quest. Meet Claire and Dan, meet this precious process and you will find the courage to be who you need to be, for all of us.”

— Mary, 2022


“I am so deeply grateful to the Nature's Apprentice team for such a life changing ceremony of reconnection to self and inner knowing. The experience of sitting with self and nature was so empowering and restful and the support to bring that back to be heard and processed was warm, understanding and as needed.”

— Lisa, 2022


“If you want to feel alive, dream about what you're here on earth to do, in what Joanna Macy calls 'the great adventure of our time' and come home to connection to yourself, others and the land, then I couldn't imagine a better way to spend your time.”

— Pru, 2022

  • I feel deep gratitude that each of the questers was invited to share their intention with the group, and I felt deeply listened to and heard by Claire and Caiyloirch who guided me and other questers in exploring and clarifying our intention for the quest. I particularly appreciated Claire's skillful ability to deeply listen and ask questions that pierced through to the under layer of what I (and other questers) was trying to express, and guiding me into ways that I could honour and celebrate progress made and commit to continue this journey through ceremonies in the vision quest. I also appreciated Caiyloirch expertly shifting the energy when someone was becoming 'stuck'. This preparation was invaluable as an anchor throughout the challenges of the vision quest, and created a spaciousness where I discovered rich mirroring in nature which has shifted something deep within me, an experience I is now embedded deep in my psyche and has planted the seed of a yearning which will guide me now and into the future. I also really appreciated how Claire and Caiylorch emphasised the community of the vision quest, of how we all were sharing this journey as the much larger human community and our responsibility to the more than human world. As each quester was invited to share their vision quest story in storycouncil and have that mirrored back by Claire and Caiylorch, I felt an immense sense of wonder at how they connected each questers story into a living myth of the struggle of the human condition and discovering our unique gift and how we can offer that in service as part of the bigger story of wild nature. I also appreciated the psychological, social and physical safety information and felt that I could fully participate and trust that they were holding the space. Deep gratitude to you Claire and Caiylorch for everything that you have done to be able to offer such a rich, powerful and transformative experience in service to community, human and more than human.”

— Giuliana Tarascio, 2019

  • Claire & Ostii truly gave all of themselves in preparing us for questing, protecting us during the journey and guiding our landing and reintegration afterwards. The atmosphere they created felt unique, intentional and true to the tradition but with a lightness and flexibility that felt welcoming and reassuring. My personal journey on the quest was utterly profound and continues to unfold daily. I thank my human and non-human communities for such gifts - gold that I will carry with me forever and that will guide my path for years to come. I highly recommend the vision quest for anyone wishing to reap the abundant fruits of deep listening in nature on the continual journey to 'knowing thyself'.”

— Dr. Yael Appelboom, 2017



Nature-Based Leadership Training

Going through the course has completely shifted my perspective on and experience of the world. I feel more present and more connected to the Earth than I can ever remember.

— Claudia, 2021


The program helped me ground values and vision into practice and clarify the work I wish to do while I'm here on this planet. Claire and Sieta's guidance strengthened my leadership skills, while their own facilitation styles shifted my views on what leadership can be, through an ecological, community-based, and non-hierarchical lens. This last year was a kaleidoscopic practice in feeling, perception, nuance, story, poetry, difference, grief, ecstasy, and joy… with each other and with this wild earth.

— Kara, 2021


I learned that my wild indigenous self has been here within me all along. Waiting for acceptance, and an invitation to return.

— Mike, 2022


Rewild Fridays

“I loved Rewild Fridays, learning ancient human skills in the midst of a modern city. Leafy and Emily are wonderful guides, very knowledgeable and deeply embedded in what they teach. What I learnt over the term has shifted my sense of my place in the world; towards one more grounded and open, and more connected with this incredible earth. I’ve definitely caught the rewilding bug and will be back!”

— Julia, 2023


“Rewild Fridays gave me the skills, knowledge and confidence to engage with the wild places all around me. It’s not just in the national parks an hour drive from my house - the wild is in my backyard, my local park, that tree right next to the milkbar. It’s made me feel more alive.”

— Michelle Kovacevic, mother and community organiser


Mentoring for Gifts with Claire Dunn and Jon Young

“This course was amazing. I highly recommend it. It's made the book 'Coyotes Guide' so much easier to digest and I've found working with the different directions and energies to be so beneficial in many aspects of my life. Sincere thank you to Claire and Jon for putting this course on and everyone behind the scenes who also helped make it happen.”

— Emma Swann


“Mentoring for gifts run by Claire Dunn and Jon Young was one of the best online courses I have done. Skillfully lead, fun, connective and motivating to get out there and learn from nature. I feel like I have replenished my tool box for running my own nature connection programs.”

— Nikki Brown, Wildcraft Australia


“Mentoring for gifts is one of the most thorough and 'in-depth' ways to understand and realise the relationship to both our inner nature and our outer natural world. It was a huge leap forward in my understanding of nature connection and I will take that with me every day.”

— Zoé


“This is life changing work, and being on line we could immerse in our homelands...and then just keep it going... It feels like we have been gifted some amazing multi sensory digging tools to connect with all that is life... and that we are back in preschool with the rest of life to dig in and grow from, in our own unique ways... and all that will ripple out toward the changes we crave... deep gratitude for these gifts”

— Trace Balla


“Claire and Jon held skillful space for our journey. Theirs and the group energy was gentle yet strong. I feel more connected with myself as the soft animal that I am. At the same time I feel more at home on the earth, my mother; with awe embodying my Nature powerfully.”

— Kaveh Monshat


“The Mentoring for Gifts was a sensational platform to further explore the essence of nature connection whether as a beginner or as one with ample knowledge. The community that was created on this online space was beautifully orchestrated and allowed for regular storytelling sharing throughout the weeks. I always felt inspired and excited about being part of this and connecting in with like minded souls. There was a ongoing evolution of many different facets of nature connection that I had never been exposed to. I feel greedy for more learning in this space under the facilitation of Claire and Jon. It was a delightful nature journey! Many thanks from the heart for your dedication in providing such a solid comfortable platform for such an adventure.”

— Jacquie


“I wasn't sure what this course entailed, but I knew I wanted to do it, being a huge fan of both Jon and Claire's work. Without a hint of hyperbole, it has changed my life, offering new ways of seeing and being that feel foundational to a healthy human existence. From sit spots and bird language to story catching and cultural healing, everyone needs these teachings!”

—2021 Participant


“This course has truly changed me. The way I carry myself in the world, relating to nature certainly but also to people even in a built environment. I feel included in a privileged community, a tribe connected to and cradled by the natural world.”

— 2021 Participant


Earth Time with Emily Coats

"Emily's facilitation for Earth Time is both generous and inclusive. I really enjoyed the sense of play and curiosity that she encouraged in our inquiries, and the emphasis on learning through listening and holding space for each other’s experiences. I always walk away from each session with more curiosity and feeling like I’ve deepened my connection with nature, fellow humans, and myself."

— Dennis Liu


The Science and Art of the Hand Drill with Emily Coats

"Emily is wonderful facilitator, her patience, dedication, anecdotes and support were second to none. Thank you Emily and all those involved. I look forward to working with and learning from Emily again soon.”

— Xander Donnelly


“Emily brings story and her real life experiences to this ancient practice. She teaches the skill in a way that is patient, enjoyable and nurturing at all ages and abilities.”

— Shau Teo