On the Never-Never

On the Never-Never

I’ve long fantasised aboutsetting off on a horseback journey;the morning saddle routine, the smell of horse on my skin, the sounds of their snuffly breathing as I sleep. Donkeys could be fun too, my belongings swaddled and strapped to their flanks, the click clack of their hooves down a pilgrimage path. Perhaps it’s an inspiration borne of my first read of Robyn Davidson’s Tracks, the tale of a solo woman’s journey across the Australian desert with camels... 

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Nettle Medicine

Nettle Medicine

I approach the patch of weeds gingerly, gloving up both hands. The tall stems are so green they are almost incandescent, and shiver in the biting breeze. I begin to chip the earth away from around one plant with a digging stick, finding the ground contracted and reluctant. Not wanting to break the tuber, I de-glove to coax the fleshy white root free. Ouch! My efforts are rewarded with a sharp sting on the back of my hand...

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Roots, Shoots and Leaves

Roots, Shoots and Leaves

Running late this morning, I headed out to the back garden rather than the park. Seated on a log with my cup of chai I was almost hidden by a small forest of leafy greens – rocket, pak choi, curly lettuce, silverbeet and broccoli. The Italian parsley has rebounded well since I cut it back and my tongue waters at the thought of pesto.  After ten minutes exchanging oxygen with my garden, I calmly head inside with a bouquet of leaves for lunch...

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If trees could speak

If trees could speak

The third is the smooth-barked angophora marking the start of the Awabakal Nature Reserve on the Dudley side. Standing alone at the fork of two trails, the knobbly pink limbs have been given ample room to extend their full curly glory. A good friend Lou introduced me to this tree, on one of her regular visits to Awabakal, during wildflower season when the flannel flowers were out...

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Crystal Waters

Crystal Waters

Pulling up on a dark rainy night in an unfamiliar forest and needing to set up camp is never much fun, especially when the tent is new and fandangled to the point of Rubik’s cube complicated. Even less enjoyable, as I discovered last weekend, is bending down to shift a rock from the tent-site to find instead a scaly-backed cane toad... 

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Grow the Soil

Grow the Soil

I once movedin to a house with a couple of keen gardeners who had a lovely if somewhat shady vegetable garden, but nothing seemed to be doing particularly well. Lack of sun was a contributing factor, but it wasn’t enough to explain the timid kale, the yellowing tomatoes, and the threadbare parsley patch. Even the comfrey wasn’t particularly robust...

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Not all Those Who Wander are Lost

Not all Those Who Wander are Lost

It’s a misty autumnal morning in the hills outside Melbourne, and for this northerner it is the middle of winter – but in the most delicious ways. The last of the apples lie fallen on the ground overnight, not yet touched by the feathery golden leaves releasing one by one into the stiff wind. Fist sized, they fit neatly inside my palm. Pocketing one, I bite into the other, crisp as the air...

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